In 1947, Branch--Rickey put himself at the forefront of history when he signed Jackie Robinson to the Brooklyn Dodgers,--breaking Major League Baseball's infamous color line. But the deal also put both Robinson and Rickey in the firing line of the public, the press and other players.
Facing--blatant racism from every side, even his own team, Robinson was forced to demonstrate tremendous courage and restraint--by not reacting in kind, knowing that any incident could destroy his and Rickey's hopes. Instead, Number--42 let his talent on the field do the talking—ultimately winning over fans and his teammates, silencing his--critics, and paving the way for others to follow.
In 1947, Branch Rickey put himself at--the forefront of history--when he signed Jackie--Robinson to the Brooklyn Dodgers, breaking Major League Baseball's infamous color line. But the deal--also put both Robinson and …